Kevin Crotty
BUSI 448: Investments
Last time:
# Function to run a single realization
def sim_calc(mean, sd, n_time):
rets = norm.rvs(loc=mean, scale = sd, size=n_time)
return np.mean(rets)
# Collect N_SIMS runs of the simulation function
sims = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float,columns=['avg_ret'],index=np.arange(N_SIMS))
for s in sims.index:
sims.loc[s] = sim_calc(MN,SD,T)
# Simulate a single realization and do calculation(s)
def sim_calc(means, cov, n_time):
n = len(means)
rets = pd.DataFrame(data=mvn.rvs(means, cov, size=T),
columns=['ret' + str(i+1) for i in np.arange(n)])
x = rets.corr()
corr12 = x.loc['ret1', 'ret2']
corr13 = x.loc['ret1', 'ret3']
return corr12, corr13
# Collect N_SIMS runs of the simulation function
sims = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float,columns=['corr12', 'corr13'],
for s in sims.index:
sims.loc[s,['corr12','corr13']] = sim_calc(MNS,COV,T)
Let’s look at a notebook that simulates some of our input statistics for portfolio optimization.
Suppose returns for the stock fund are 12.3% over the first year and the bond fund returns 5.9% over the same period.
Weights become: 61.4% and 38.6%
The new weight for asset \(i\) is:\[ w_{i,t+1} = w_{i,t}\frac{1+r_{i,t}}{1+r_{p,t}} \] where \(r_{p,t}=\sum_{j=1}^N w_{j,t} r_{j,t}\) is the time \(t\) realized portfolio return for an \(N\) asset portfolio
The realized Sharpe ratio of a strategy is its realized average excess return scaled by its realized standard deviation:
\[ SR = \frac{\overline{r_{p} - r_{f}}}{\text{sd}[r_{p} - r_{f}]}\]
For the particular returns above, the realized Sharpe ratio of rebalancing to 60-40 is -0.0277 versus -0.09 for the non-rebalanced portfolio.
What if we ran 1000 versions of the 30 year investment period?
We have been assuming:
returns are independently and identically distributed each period
the risk-free rate is constant each period.
This means the tangency portfolio is optimal each period.
If expected returns are mean-reverting, then it is also advantageous to rebalance.
Rebalancing is a contrarian strategy: sell winners and buy losers.
Selling winners may result in capital gains taxes
One must weigh the potential benefit of improved portfolio allocation vs. the potential tax exposure of selling overweighted assets
Similarly, trading may result in fixed or variable transactions costs
One must weight the potential benefit of improved portfolio allocation vs. the expected costs of the rebalancing transactions
BUSI 448