Python Basics
This is a brief introduction to the primary Python functionalities we will use in the course. We will discuss these in class together, but this will be a useful reference for you as we proceed through the semester. The examples in this document can be run interactively in the 00_python_basics.ipynb notebook on Google Colab.
Getting Started
Some software comes with everything pre-installed. Python allows the user to customize how much of the software is loaded. Here’s an example of the command used to load the numpy
# Load numpy package
import numpy
# Alternative with abbreviated reference or alias
import numpy as np
The most commonly used packages for the course are:
: numerical python package (alias:np
: scientific computing package (alias:scipy
: panel data package (alias:pd
: financial calculations package (alias:npf
: graphing package (alias:go
Jupyter Notebooks
You can interact with Python in various ways. In class, we will use Jupyter notebooks run through Google Colab. Jupyter notebooks allow for an interactive experience running Python code.
Here are some useful key commands that we will use frequently:
: run current cellshift
: run current cell and advance to next cellesc
: exit current cellesc
: add cell aboveesc
: add cell belowctrl
: comment or uncomment current line
It is good practice to provide some comments as to what code is trying to do, so that you or other users can easily see the purpose of code snippets. Starting a line with #
tells Python that the rest of the line is a comment. You can use ctrl
+ /
to toggle the current line between being a comment or not.
Markdown basics
Jupyter notebooks are useful because they allow us to switch back and forth between a text editor and code snippets. In particular, the text editor allows for some basic mathematical typesetting. The text editor format is called Markdown. In Colab, you can add a markdown cell by clicking the +Text
box at the top left. Here are some basic typesetting formats.
is biggest font##
is a bit smaller###
is even smaller
We can also write math expressions (using LaTeX style type-setting). Math expressions are enclosed in $
s. For example: $a_t$
becomes \(a_t\).
- To get subscripts on variables, add a
after the variable:a_t
for \(a_t\) - To get superscripts on variables, add a
after the variable:a^2
for \(a^2\) - For sub- or superscripts of more than one character, you must use braces around the expression:
is \(a_{i,t}\)
Basic Python Structures
Lists are collections of python objects. Lists are enclosed in brackets, with list elements separated by commas. We will usually use collections of numbers or string variables.
# This is a list of numbers assigned to a variable x
= [1,2,3,4]
# this is a list of strings assigned to a variable y
= ['a','b','c','d'] y
We can access elements of the list by the index of that element. In Python, indexing starts with 0 (rather than 1). So the first element of x
is accessed with x[0]
. So, x[2]
will return the 3rd element of the list x
Numpy arrays
We will often use numpy
arrays rather than lists. Numpy arrays requires the elements to be of the same type, among other things. To convert a list x
to a numpy array called np_x
, we would run:
# This is a list of numbers assigned to a variable x
= np.array(x) np_x
There are some very useful built-in numpy
functions. For instance, the command np.arange(start, stop, step)
returns an array of evenly-spaced values starting at start
and ending at stop-step
(That is, it excludes the stop
value.) The start
and step
inputs are optional. By default, arange
starts at 0 and uses a step size of 1.
Another type of Python structure is a Dict. Dicts map a set of keys into values, as in a dictionary.
# This is a dict mapping ['a','b','c'] to [1,2,3]
= {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} new_dict
If we provide an argument of 'a'
to the dict above using new_dict['a']
, it will return the value 1
A pandas DataFrame allows us to handle datasets and perform spreadsheet-like calculations. A DataFrame is an array of rows and columns. The rows and columns are indexed by a pandas Index
object. You can initialize empty dataframes with set column and rows as follows.
# An empty dataframe
= pd.DataFrame(dtype=float,
df = ['Column A','Column B'] ,
columns = np.arange(5)
index )
Alternatively, you can assign existing data to a dataframe.
# Make some existing data
= np.array([1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6, 4, 8, 5, 10])
x = x.reshape([5,2])
# Assign it to a dataframe
= pd.DataFrame(x,
df =['Column A','ColumnB'],
columns= np.arange(5)) index
Accessing data
In the example above, we could access a single column using df['Column A']
. If a column title is a string containing no spaces (as in the 2nd column above), we can also access a column using the syntax df.ColumnB
To access a single row, we can use the .loc
method of the dataframe. For example, df.loc[4]
accesses the row labeled by 4
If we want a single element of the dataframe, we can also use the .loc
method. For exmple, df.loc[4,'ColumnB']
pulls the datapoint from row index 4
and column index 'ColumnB'
Subsetting dataframes
We will sometimes want to filter datasets based on various criteria. This can be accomplished using the following syntax.
# Subset on a single column's value
= df[df.ColumnB >= 4]
# Subset on a multiple column's values (use & for AND)
= df[(df.ColumnB >= 4 ) & (df['Column A'] <=2 )]
# Subset on a multiple column's values (use | for OR)
= df[(df.ColumnB >= 4 ) & (df['Column A'] >=2 )] df_subset
Writing Functions
We will often want to be able to apply the same calculation for different inputs. We can build this functionality by writing functions. Functions take arguments, do something, and then usually return some output. Here is a simple example that calculates the appropriate discount factor based on a rate and number of discounting periods.
def discount_factor(rate,num_periods):
rate: a discount rate input in decimal notation
num_periods: how many periods to discoun
= 1/((1+rate)**num_periods)
factor return factor
To calculate the discount factor if the rate is 2.5% with 5 discounting periods, we would call the function using discount_factor(0.025,5)
Sometimes, we will want to perform the same calculation for each element of a list. For instance, we might have a list of discounting periods and want to calculation the discount factor for each one. We can accomplish this using a for
loop. A for
loop simply executes all of the commands for each element of the list indicated at the top of the loop. Here’s a simple example.
= [5, 10, 20]
loop_list for t in loop_list:
print(discount_factor(0.025, t))
Another useful python tool is the enumerate
command. Applying this to a list allows us to have two running variables in the list: the first tells us which element in the list the loop is on (i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, …), while the second variable is the actual list element.
for i, t in enumerate(loop_list):
print(discount_factor(0.025, t))
Finally, python allows loops to be used within other structures. For instance, we can use a loop to generate a list as follows.
= [1 / ((1.025)**t) for t in loop_list] x
We will use the plotly.graph_objects
graphing package to plot data. To make a simple line plot with markers for each data point, we can use the following.
= go.Figure()
fig = go.Scatter(x = df['Column A'], y = df['ColumnB'])
Plots can handle multiple data series being plotting on the same figure. For instance, the code below plots the same data, but one plots it as a line and the other only plots the data markers.
= go.Figure()
fig # plot line connecting data points
= go.Scatter(
trace0 = df['Column A'],
x = df['ColumnB'],
y ='lines',
mode='with lines')
fig.add_trace(trace0)# plot data markers
= go.Scatter(
trace1 = df['Column A'],
x = df['ColumnB'],
y ='markers',
mode='with markers')